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Things I Loved In October

We are a little more than a week into November. Fall is by far my very favorite season! I wanted to wrap up October by sharing with you things that made into my favorites this month!

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.

So, you can buy a jug of cold brew pumpkin spice coffee, and I have not been able to get enough of it. You can also buy these in 20oz bottles! (I am slightly obsessed with anything that is pumpkin flavored. You should see my pantry right now lol)

Astros Winning the World Series

Now, don't get is twisted. I am a Ranger fan inside and out; always have been, always will be! I was raised going to Ranger games. However, the city of Houston needed something good to happen to them after the flooding and hurricane came in. Those players did it for their city and that is really cool! Congrats to Houston! But go Rangers, amiright?!

BLU - My Fur Baby

AHH- Blu could be on my favorites every month, forever. But he is on here this month because, well he is adorable, and we are starting to get to the point where we can let him roam the house while we are gone. When we are gone for more than four or so hours, we keep him locked up in the kitchen, but if we just go to run errands or whatnot, we let him roam the house, and so far, so good!

EZ Tag

For those of you who do not know what an EZ tag is, it is the toll tag used down in south east Texas. Now this might seem stupid, but you do not realize what you are missing in big, busy cities until you have a toll tag. Those things are God's gift to traffic full cities! No joke!

Aromatherapy Humidifier

I am a huge believer in aromatherapy. My best friend bought me a humidifier and natural oils (all linked in my shopping page if you want to check them out! They are awesome!). Each oil does something specific for you, calms your anxiety, helps you sleep, relieves headaches, etc. My husband had the worst headache a couple of weeks ago and I turned on the humidifier and put peppermint and rosemary oils in it, and his headache was gone in under 30 minutes. I also use it for my anxiety! Such a good thing to have handy and it really is not that expensive.

My Husband's Birthday

I love to celebrate birthdays! I have spent every birthday with my husband since his 18th birthday. This was his first birthday as officially my husband (like that really matters, but it was exciting for me). I went all out for him this year. I bought him a University of Houston cooler, a rubber wedding ring to wear when he works out, or is coaching, and cologne. Soooo, I am awful at keeping secrets from him, so he literally got all of his birthday presents like a week early because I was so excited about them!

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