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Coaches Wives

It is fall! That means pumpkin spice everything, hoodies, boots, and Friday Night Lights. High school football in Texas is unlike any other state. This season is a bitter sweet time for coaches wives. We love to attend the varsity football games, we love to see our husbands in their element, doing what they love, and what they are passionate about. However, football coaches work 12 hour days 4 days a week, 15 hour days on Fridays, and 8 hour days on Saturdays. Which means very limited time with their families. While we love it, it is hard on the family to get very limited time with the coaches.

All of you coaches wives out there, I have a couple tips to help you continue to bond with your coach and get as much time with them as possible.

1. Wait to eat dinner, if possible, until your husband gets home. Try

to make it to when he walks in the door, you can give him a plate and y'all can sit down together and eat a meal and talk about your day. Doing this will give you time without outside distractions.

2. On the days he does not work (Sunday) spend the whole day with him. Do things together that both of you enjoy to do.

3. Go to the football games. Watch him do what he loves, stay until after the game and go on the field and hug him and kiss him. Get those couple of minutes with him after the game.

4. Fit in one date night a week. By doing this, you can get some romantic, one on one time together. Even if it is just going to dinner one night, do it!

I hope you wives enjoy football season as much as I do. Do anything you can to make sure you get some quality time in with your coach. It is much needed.

xo, Taylor

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