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Moving In With Your Spouse

It's a big decision, big step, a lot of thought that goes into how to correctly move in with your spouse and if it is the right thing to do.

Here are some tips for moving in together:

If possible, start fresh in a new home together

I find this important because if one of you are moving in with the other, the space won't ever really feel like your home. If you start fresh, you can choose furniture, bedding, home decor, and the actual place together, which will make it feel like its a home for both of you! It also can be hard to make enough space for your partner to move in with you, your place might not be big enough for the two of you. Go find a new place that is big enough for the both of you that you can both call home!

Be clear on how house work will be handled

You both are used to living either alone, or with roommates, where you most likely only cleaned up after yourself. When living together, there will be plenty of times where you will have to pick up, or clean up after your spouse. If you are clear on who takes care of what chores ahead of time, you will save yourself from some future fights, and a lot of headaches. Some fun, creative ways to decide who does what chores is writing all of the house chores on popsicle sticks and taking turns drawing them at the beginning of each week. This can be fun, and also change things up each week to be fair for everyone.

Discuss finances ahead of time

If you are living together, you will have rent/mortgage, cable, electricity and internet, renters insurance, etc. It is important that you both are on the same page as to whose name the bills are in, if you are splitting each bill in half, if you each are responsible for different bills, or however you want to do it. It is not a good idea to move in together before speaking about finances and who is paying what.

This can be such a fun time for you and your partner, but make sure both of you are on the same page and understanding about all of this to help you both enjoy this exciting time!

Happy Moving!

xo, Taylor

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