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Self-Esteem, Confidence, Why Is It Important?

Self-Confidence is not something that everyone has. It is a desired trait among most people and can be hard to acquire on your own. Self-Confidence can be described as trusting your own abilities and qualities. For example, if you trust yourself to complete a task at work and to do a really good job, you are displaying confidence in yourself. Some people have self-confidence in some parts of their life and not in others.

One of my favorite topics to go over with clients and even just my friends and family in general is self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-image. In the society we live in today, they are telling us what our bodies need to look like to be "sexy". That is not okay. We do not have to have the body of a super model to be beautiful or sexy. I find it empowering to help women, and men, find the self-confidence they are looking for and need!

Not even focusing on the way our bodies look, but how we do our hair, makeup, our clothes, etc. Women should not have to make sure they have a full face of makeup on to run to the store. We should love ourselves naturally. These filters on Instagram are great, but it hides who we really are. It is like saying "I am not pretty enough, so I will use a filter to make myself look better". That is not true, everyone is beautiful in their own way, without makeup, without the most fashionable clothes, and with whatever kind of body they have.

Self-confidence, self-image, and self-esteem all affect us in more ways than just how we feel about ourselves. It affects how we hold ourselves, it affects our social life, how we present ourselves, our work life, our personal relationships everything. It is so important to work on yourself and make sure that you feel great about yourself, your abilities, and your qualities.

You are beautiful and you do not need people to tell you that for it to be true. Love yourself, and you will find that other people will find it so much easier to love you as well.

I hope you found this helpful! Go love yourself today and everyday!

If you are struggling with self-confidence, esteem, or image, you can contact me and I would love to coach you to a happier, healthier, life!

Have a great weekend

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