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Hello! Happy Friday! Today you should try and work in an hour or so of self care and really focus on taking care of your mind and body. It is just as important to take care of your mind, as it is your body.

Let's talk about stress management and self care. The majority of us are too busy with work or school or children or any combination of the three. We are all busy and it is hard for us to find time for ourselves. Self care is so so important. Even if you just work one or two hours a week of self care into your routine, you will feel better about yourself.

Now, my favorite way to escape from reality for about an hour and just relax my mind and body is yoga. One great thing about yoga is that you can do it for free, in the comfort of your own home. You can find all different types of yoga exercises on youtube for free. Yoga before bed, yoga for waking up, yoga for weight loss, yoga for stress and anxiety are all types of yoga you can find for free right on your TV or computer. How cool is that?

I encourage all of you to find something that works best for you and work it into your weekly or even daily routine if you can. Yoga is my favorite stress/anxiety management activity. It really helps calm your mind and just focus on yourself.

If you are interested in finding a great yoga instructor for free on youtube, I have great recommendations of different instructors that I use when I am doing yoga at home. Please just ask and I am happy to give you some great yoga youtube channels to check out.

Let me know if you have any questions. What do you want me to cover next?

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