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Love Languages

Do you know your partner loves you but sometimes you just don't feel loved? Or sometimes you just aren't sure if your partner loves you at all. Chances are, your partner doesn't speak your love language, and you might not be speaking theirs. What is a love language? It is the way you recognize or feel love. There are five of them:

  1. Acts of service - Ever heard of the saying "actions speak louder than words"? This is for those people. If your partner's love language is this, do chores for them they hate, run an errand for them without them asking you to.

  2. Words of affirmation - This is the opposite of the one before. Words speak louder than actions for these people. Being told "I love you" for these people, make them feel loved.

  3. Quality time - This is not just watching TV together. This is spending uninterrupted, one on one time together.

  4. Physical touch - This is affection. Holding hands, kissing, cuddling, those are some examples of physical touch that makes these people feel loved.

  5. Receiving gifts - These gifts do not have to be big, expensive gifts. Flowers, a card, these kinds of things are all part of this love language.

Most people assume their partner's love language is the same as their own when in all actuality, most couples do not feel love the same way, which makes it harder for couples to mutually feel loved all the time. If you aren't sure what yours or your partners love language is, take the quiz, or for even more information, read the book.

The perks of both of you sitting down together and taking the quiz and reading the book (the quiz is also included in the book) is that you can learn what makes each other feel loved and that can turn the whole relationship around. This book has helped so many couples get back on track.

You can find the book here and the quiz here

xo, Taylor

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